Just Noticeable Difference
Inkjet Papers, UV LED
Dimensions Variable
Just Noticeable Difference is an installation piece inspired by the visual effects of “optical brightening agents” or OBAs. Many ink jet papers for artists include OBAs to enhance contrast on the printed page, but manufacturers rarely disclose details about the amount or nature of these chemicals. There is concern that OBAs will breakdown over time and shift the appearance of the image, so while they may have visual appeal, there is good reason to be suspicious of their viability. For the installation component of this project, I arrange individual paper samples of various brands on the wall and illuminate them with ultraviolet light, which reacts with the OBAs. The more OBAs present in a given paper, the brighter it glows.
Click here to access the visual database
“Ultraviolet Reflectivity
in Ink Jet Papers”